Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Design Development / 1:1 scale mock-up

Test with the full scale mock-up model made of 4 layers cardboard. The supproting problem in the bottome part came out and need some refinement for it.

Design Development / final design

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Concept Development / scaled model 02

Model #02 is consist of two parts as well as #01. It's also 1:10 scaled size model with box board (1mm thickness). The key point of this model is using human weight to be firm of seat to bottom part. It looks quite easy to assemble and disassemble. The bottom part is still needed to be modified the shape and size.

Concept Development / scaled model 01

Model #01(1:10 scaled) is made of two part with 3 pieces of board. Most of surfaces in top part is double layered and cross slot-in is used as joining method between top and bottom parts.
Still need to develop some section such as arm part, bottom rear part and specific size of whole parts.

Concept Development / folding experiment 03

Concept Development / folding experiment 02

one sheet folding to a chair, recognise that it is hard to be a strong and join the each surfaces within the one sheet size of X-board.

Concept Development / folding experiment 01

divided 2 parts, try to generate the form of top part with the folding normal paper.

Concept Development / sketches before folding 02

Concept Development / sketches before folding 01

After stage two(3 concepts), I decided to design a chair with the folding one or two pieces of X-board. According to the size of one sheet (1200 X 1830mm), it is hard to use only one sheet to fold to be a chair, therfore I've been playing with normal paper to fold and become a part of whole chair. These are some of sketches, before the folding process.